The Alliance for Renewing Indigenous Economies

Seminar Readings

Indigenous Student Seminar



Students who are accepted to attend the 2022 seminar will receive an updated reading packet in advance of the seminar. Below are selected readings from the 2020-2021 seminar.

Terry Anderson, Renewing Indigenous Economies
What kinds of property rights institutions and governance structures existed before contact?

Terry L. Anderson and Wendy Purnell, “Native American Heritage: It’s Not What You Think,” February 12, 2019,

Terry L. Anderson and Wendy Purnell, “The Bonds of Colonialism,” April 26, 2019,

Terry L. Anderson and Wendy Purnell, “Reservation Capitalism,” August 15, 2019,

Karol Boudreaux, Land Rights and Social Change
What countries are protecting or expanding the land and resource rights of indigenous people? How does secure land tenure affect indigenous communities?

Karol Boudreaux, "Normative Shifts in the Legal Landscape: Where are we? Where are we headed with Indigenous land rights?," 2015.

Adam Crepelle, The Law and Economics of Indian Country Crime
Why is law enforcement in Indian country so complex? Who benefits from Indian country's criminal framework? What will it take to improve public safety in Indian country?

Adam Crepelle, “Tribal Courts, The Violence Against Women Act, and Supplemental Jurisdiction: Expanding Tribal Court Jurisdiction to Improve Public Safety in Indian Country,” Montana Law Review, Volume 81, Issue 1, Winter 2020, 

Kelly Croman, Taxation and Tribal Sovereignty
Why is taxation important for tribal sovereignty? How can tribes assert tax jurisdiction?

Kelly S. Croman and Jonathan B. Taylor, “Why Beggar Thy Indian Neighbor: The Case for Tribal Primacy in Taxation in Indian Country,” Joint Occasional Papers on Native Affairs (2016),

Bob Miller, Creating Private-Sector Economies & Sustainable Communities in Indian Country
How are tribes re-asserting jurisdiction over their land and people? What kinds of legal reforms are promoting economic success?

Robert J. Miller, “Creating Economies on Indian Reservations,” (December 27, 2014),

Mark Podlasly, Indigenizing ESG Standards
Can Environmental, Social, and Governance standards (ESGs) be re-imagined to include Indigenous rights, values, and priorities?

Mark Podlasly, Max Lindley-Peart, and Suzanne von der Porten, “Indigenous Sustainable Investment: Discussing Opportunities in ESG,” January 2021,

Daniel Stewart and Deanna Kennedy, Indigenous Entrepreneurship
How can tribes’ ethical values be applied to business ethics and leadership? How can Native leaders contribute to a new era of commerce? What are the unique challenges and strengths of Native entrepreneurs?

Deanna M. Kennedy, Denise Bill, Rachael Meares, and Iisaaksiichaa (Good Ladd) Ross Braine, "Service Management for Native American Customers,” Chapter 13 in American Indian Business: Principles and Practices, eds. Deanna M. Kennedy, Charles F. Harrington, Amy Klemm Verbos, Daniel Stewart, Joseph Scott Gladstone, and Gavin Clarkson, (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2017), pp 189-199.

Daniel Stewart, “Prototype, Validate, Pivot, Repeat: A Short, Short Course in Entrepreneurship,” Chapter 8 in Creating Private Sector Economies in Native America, eds. Robert J. Miller, Miriam Jorgensen, and Daniel Stewart, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019), pp 153-169.

Sheldon Spotted Elk, Traditional Law & Governance

How did people govern themselves and resolve conflict before contact? What was the Northern Cheyenne approach to law and governance?

Sheldon Spotted Elk, “Northern Cheyenne Tribe: Traditional law and Constitutional Reform," Tribal Law Journal 12, 1 (2012),